Is The Appraiser Bound By A Confidentiality Agreement?2016-02-14T09:04:53+00:00

According to Canadian Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (CUSPAP), all appraisers are bound by a confidentiality agreement. At Kent-Macpherson, our professional appraisers and associates are all members of the Appraisal Institute of Canada and therefore adhere to all forms of confidentiality.

What Areas Does Kent-Macpherson Service?2016-02-14T09:04:31+00:00

At Kent-Macpherson, our primary service area is the interior of British Columbia and extends to various regions across Canada.

How Long Has Kent-Macpherson Been In The Business?2016-03-07T19:49:12+00:00

Kent-Macpherson is a Kelowna based firm that has been in the appraisal, consulting and advisory industry since 1973. Our associates hold multiple designations and have accumulated 140 years of experience. We take pride in our professionalism and high standard and commit to providing you with an impartial professional consultation.

Who Might Require An Appraisal?2016-02-14T09:03:58+00:00

An appraisal may be required by: lenders (banks), lawyers, accountants, corporations, courts, tax officials, realtors, property managers, insurance brokers and underwriters as well as any other professional who requires an impartial and independent estimation of value.

Why Would I Need An Appraisal?2016-02-14T09:03:40+00:00

An appraisal is necessary for various situations including: purchasing, re-financing or selling a property, estate planning, marital arrangements, litigation support, asset valuation and agreements or BC Assessment appeals.

How Long Does It Take To Get An Appraisal?2017-01-17T18:51:36+00:00

Depending on the scope of work for the project, complexity of the property and time commitments on current assignments, the turnaround time can vary greatly. Typically an expected completion date will be established at the onset of the assignment. Validating the accuracy of the data and writing a professional report requires a substantial time commitment for completion.

Who Do I Contact To Get A Quote For Service?2016-02-14T09:03:10+00:00

Each call for services is unique and therefore requires the consultation of the Appraiser or Associate involved with the specific assignment. It is imperative to evaluate the complexities and scope of work prior to making a commitment to the associated cost of completing the project. After your inquiry, one of our professional associates will make contact to discuss your request and quote for our services, in a timely manner.

When Is The Deadline For My Strata To Have A Depreciation Report Completed?2016-02-14T09:02:56+00:00

A Depreciation Report is now a mandatory function of Strata Corporations in the Province of British Columbia. Strata Corporations which are not exempt, were to comply with the provisions by December 13, 2013 unless an exemption was passed by a 3/4 vote.

What Is A Depreciation Report?2017-01-17T18:51:36+00:00

As of December 13, 2011, new regulations were enacted under the Strata Property Act. A Depreciation Report, commonly known as Reserve Fund Study, is now legislated for strata corporations as a planning document to establish long term future repair/replacement and maintenance costs of common property and common assets. As condominiums age an adequate Contingency Reserve Fund is essential to pay for common expenses. If the Contingency Reserve Fund is not sufficient, special levies are applied to each home owner as required.

Kent-Macpherson has staff recognized for their experience in the completion of these reports, and is able to offer individual Strata Corporations consulting and advisory services for their long term preparation.

How Much Does An Appraisal Cost?2016-02-14T09:02:23+00:00

A typical commercial appraisal can vary significantly in cost, depending on the scope of work, the complexity of the report and the crucial time required to complete the report. It is common for the expense of a commercial or industrial appraisal to range significantly higher than other types of appraisal reports due to the considerable time commitment, level of proficiency and forensic investigation required.

What Is An Appraisal?2016-02-14T09:02:08+00:00

An appraisal is a professional appraiser’s opinion of property value. An appraisal involves researching appropriate market areas and analyzing data which is relevant to the subject property. The Appraisers familiarity, preparation and professional judgment on the investigated information contributes to a final estimate of value.

Do You Do Residential Appraisals?2016-02-14T08:27:32+00:00

At Kent-Macpherson, we specialize in real estate valuation, consulting and advisory services. We are involved in many specialty areas such as; commercial, industrial, recreational, first nations lands, and other specialty property types. Although we do not normally complete “typical” single-family residential appraisal reports, we do undertake residential appraisal assignments for complex valuation issues where significant support of the expressed opinions is warranted. These assignments include waterfront and executive estate homes, litigation and/or dispute resolution.

Please feel free to contact us directly to discuss your residential appraisal needs.

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